Painting Between Museums
Today was gloomy day for a public event that requires a lot of walking outdoors. The forecast was for rain- heavy rain, all for most of the day. In spite of the horrors of dark clouds and heavy air many artists took this day of free admission to most of the museums in Fort Worth as a chance to showcase our own skills. It was a chance to demonstrate not only the collection of artists works from all over the world but a chance to showcase artists that are active in the city.
I situated myself along the sidewalk between the Modern Art Museum and the Kimbell Art Museum- two buildings that are separated only by a small road and a parking lot. There, I set up a small table and tiny tripod chair. As people gathered at the Kimbell's entrance anticipating the free 10am opening I took the time to capture people on paper.
Every once and a while people would stop and ask questions. One man in particular decided to stop and talk to me for a good 15 minutes. His hat was perfect and I couldn't resist the opportunity. Tom was a Texan from from New Mexico. His hat and shirt and pants were perfect for his personality.
As the crowds thinned and wandering passers by became more intent on walking than stopping to chat I took to instagram. One of my favorite feeds (@isthismenswear) was the perfect fodder for my painting frenzy. Pairing images of him with sculptural elements around me I was able to create some gorgeous fashion illustrations in pseudo plein air tradition.
isthismenswear and a Kimbell Art Museum Sculpture
isthismenswear and the Modern Art Museum fire hydrant
isthismenswear and a shady tree kitty-corner to the Kimbell and the Modern